About Family Planning Elevated
A Statewide Contraceptive Initiative
Family Planning Elevated expands access to contraceptive education, training, and capacity-building for Utah health care centers and providers in an effort to improve equitable, person-centered, comprehensive contraceptive services across the state of Utah. We're helping uninsured, underinsured, and undocumented Utahns get the methods they want, without cost or distance being a barrier.
Family Planning Elevated Contraceptive Access Program (FPE CAP)
For three years, Family Planning Elevated partnered with federally qualified health centers, county health departments, and rural clinics to increase access to contraceptive care and methods without out-of-pocket costs for uninsured clients. 28 FPE CAP clinics, and 8 affiliate clinical sites, provided 18,308 Utahns with no-cost contraceptive care from 2019 - 2022. Although the funding period for no-cost contraception has concluded, the FPE team continues to provide technical support, patient educational resources, and clinical skills trainings across the state.
Meet the Team
Our Sponsors
We are grateful for the ongoing support of our sponsors, who contribute their valuable resources to expanding access to contraceptive care within the state of Utah.
Our Supporters
We appreciate the support from pharmaceutical companies who make it possible to provide no-cost long-acting reversible contraception to Utahns.
Our Donors
We thank the following donors dedicated to the health and well being of the people of Utah. Their support of non-profit organizations addresses the needs and opportunities in the areas of science, education, social causes and health care.
Stephen G and Susan E Denkers Family Foundation
The Forthcoming Foundation
Numerous individual donors
Our Partners
We are proud to work with a number of community partners who are committed to ensuring access to contraceptive care within the state of Utah.
Land Acknowledgement
Family Planning Elevated acknowledges the native peoples of Utah: the Ute; Paiute; Goshute; Shoshone; and Navajo, whose land was stolen and who experienced violence, family separation, and reproductive injustices. FPE is committed to elevating the stories of indigenous Utahns.