For Patients
We’re helping Utahns get the methods they want, without cost or distance being a barrier
Family Planning Elevated works closely with community health centers, hospitals, pharmacies, and Medicaid Navigators to connect Utahns with the family planning care they want, without cost or distance being a barrier. Utah Medicaid expanded and is now covering the cost of contraceptive services and methods for Utahns with household incomes between 0 – 138% Federal Poverty Level. For those who are ineligible for Medicaid, or whose insurance does not cover contraceptives, Family Planning Elevated can help connect individuals to family planning services (contraceptive counseling and FDA-approved contraceptive methods) for uninsured and under insured clients, and undocumented clients who want care.

Family Planning Elevated wants to assist all Utahns with getting the healthcare coverage they need. Medicaid now covers the cost of 18 FDA-approved methods of contraception for Utahns with household incomes below 139% Federal Poverty Level.
Medicaid Applications can be filled out either online, in person at Department of Workforce Services office, or through the mail.
Apply for Medicaid
For answers to your questions on how to apply, please call the Department of Workforce Services (DWS): Salt Lake County (801) 526-0950 or toll-free 1-866-435-7414.
Need assistance with applying or enrolling? Select the options below.
Contraceptive methods or birth control are just another way of saying “helpful tools for avoiding pregnancy.”
Some contraceptive methods offer other benefits besides pregnancy prevention. Some contraceptive methods also have potential side effects that are a deal breaker for some people, and not a problem for others. Additionally, the severity and duration of side effects can vary drastically from person to person.
On average, a person will start or stop using contraceptive methods about 10 times in their life. You may find a method that works great for you on the first try. You may have tried them all and are still dissatisfied. Contraception is not a one-size-fits all experience. We are here to help your contraceptive journey.
Contraceptive Methods
FPE Partnered Clinic Locations
Moab Regional Hospital
Community Health Centers, Inc. 72nd Street Clinic
Community Health Centers, Inc. Central City
Community Health Centers, Inc. Ellis R. Shipp
(801) 676-4405
Community Health Centers, Inc. Stephen D. Ratcliffe
Community Health Centers, Inc. Oquirrh View
Community Health Centers, Inc. Neighborhood
Sacred Circle Healthcare - Salt Lake City
Sacred Circle Healthcare - West Valley
University of Utah South Main Clinic
Urban Indian Center of Salt Lake
Utah Partners for Health Mid Valley
Although the funding period for no-cost contraceptive care has concluded, Family Planning Elevated has formed partnerships with many clinics across the state of Utah who offer low-cost person-centered contraceptive care. These clinics have received rigorous training by FPE clinical and technical family planning experts and are happy to welcome you with open arms. You can call your nearest clinic directly to schedule a contraceptive visit.